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017. Warning: FEMA

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The latest FEMA warning:

NEW ORLEANS, La. -- Those old spray cans that weathered Hurricane Katrina last year might be an explosion waiting to happen.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s local safety officer warns that several spray cans have exploded as New Orleans residents go about the work of cleaning up after Hurricane Katrina. Everyone involved in cleanup operations should always exercise caution, and just because an old can doesn’t look dangerous doesn’t mean it isn’t.

Submersion in salty or brackish water can corrode and weaken pressurized cans, making them a potential hazard. Exposure to water can likewise rust steel cans. Spray cans found in enclosed areas, such as a car’s trunk or the tool box on a pick-up truck, can be at greatly elevated temperatures.

The solution: tongs and PPE. PPE being "personal protective equipment" such as safety goggles, gloves and long sleeves and pants. The problem is, its getting to be the time of year when walking outside into 99+ degree temperatures and 100% humidity wearing all that PPE will kill you long before the exploding spraycans.

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