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.....n.o. l e v i t y - universally apposite

086. Haiku Review #7: Bill's Habanero Hot Sauce


Fine habanero hot sauce
The sweet nectar of Hades
It just hurts so good

085. A Big, Fat, WTF?


Are American servicemen and women actually fighting, and dying so those people can carry out draconian, oppressive, discriminatory, evil (there just aren't enough negative modifiers to get my point across) acts such as this?:

"The moment a teenage girl was stoned to death for loving the wrong boy"

from The Daily Mail

084. Haiku Review #6: The Duo, 5/22/07


Johnny V. and George
Ascending from Frenchmen St.
Duo of the Gods

083. Get your cousins straight


Just use wikipedia's Cousin Tree.

082. ScandalMap


Its a handy, illustrated and annotated guide to the treachery of the Grand Old Party. The text version is also humorous... it reads like accusations in Clue.

I've always liked this man.

He's dashing. Newsroom ladies I worked with in Omaha kept press pictures of him on their cubicles, sometimes signing with fake romantic salutations, 'luv Chuck.'

He's daring, if the puts his party affiliation where his mouth is in the above article.

And he's ready to stop the war.

from the The Hill article:

The senator criticized the administration for continuing to say that Iraq is the central front of the war on terror. “This is a civil sectarian war,” Hagel said. “Yes, al Qaeda is there. Yes, terrorists are there, but they are not the predominant aspect of this.”

Quintron at midnight.
We thought we were running late,
but we beat him there.

079. Capping It Off


You have new Picture Mail!

Viva la Fess! After at least two nights of walking out of the club into the early morning Crescent City sun.. I'm only just now able to think clearly.

JazzFest 07 will go down in the recordbooks as the debut of the BubbleStep, and I had more fun than I've ever imagined possible (and I've logged some serious shenanigans, let me tell you) with my new better half, manager of amazement, moistness and soon to be ruler of the world, Ms. Kacie Bubbles.

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