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040. Mister Meowskers

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He showed up late on the 5th of July, after I returned from an encounter with Lawrence the Secret Service agent at d.b.a. The Wolfman played a great set, but that's not the point. Mr. Meowskers, the meowingest little kitty I have ever met, has adopted me.

He lives in the water heater shed, which adjoins the underside of my house. I showed the meowy little video I took of him on my digital camera to the folks at work, and they made me promise to feed the little scamp if he was still there last night. He was. So he got an old Philly tub full of Starkist.

This morning in the paper I noticed Nascar driver Ryan Newman is bringing his mobile spay trailer, the "Big Fix Rig" for a pit stop in St. Bernard, cats are free, you just have to call for an appointment.

He's still outside this morning. Thus begins another tail from the Marigny.

Lawrence the Secret Service agent was likely a flunkie, a decoy to distract by generating a buzz. Lawrence would only tell me he was there for a "guest to arrive later" and he was pretty nice to me, other than being tight lipped. I caught him offguard by knowing what an IFB is, that was my icebreaker. I overheard d.b.a.'s manager talking like there were some VIP's at the Tim/Faith extravaganza that night who may make an appearance, and Lawrence did ask me abot dance clubs, to which I replied, "on a Wednesday night, you've probably got to go down to Bourbon."

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