When you google "cattle gap" the top result is my photo, as seen below:
#1 on google! w00T!!!
And in related news... "sandstep" the internationally known entertainment professional is creeping up on "The Sandstep Retreat" as the top result on google.
The real entertainment comes when you google "Ian Kramar." The top result is still the abstract from that crazy Schwa/conspiracy theorist mailing list I submitted to in college, and wish I never used my real name on, but I just discovered I have a Yahoo! TV entry for my work on the HBO doc
Judgement Day, and classmates.com claims an "Ian Kramar" attended Archbishop Rummel High School from 1994-1998. All but one of the first page of results are related to my own self. And then there's
this on the second page of results. Oh, what an interesting place the internets can be!
Labels: sandstep google
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